Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner is a fundamental aspect of Mallinckrodt’s corporate identity. Our reputation is built on the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, and we will continue to earn that trust by doing business the right way.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Mallinckrodt is committed to compliance with all applicable global anti-corruption laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and U.K. Bribery Act of 2010. We maintain an anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy to ensure that all our businesses and employees are aware of their associated responsibilities.

Ethical Sales and Marketing Practices We want healthcare professionals to have up-to-date, accurate information about our products so they can make informed treatment and prescribing decisions for patients’ benefit. Employees who conduct promotional activities or may have interactions with customers receive compliance training to understand their responsibilities to conduct promotional activities with the utmost integrity. In addition, we follow strict international, national and local regulations, and industry codes of conduct. Mallinckrodt has voluntarily certified to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Code on Interactions with Health Care Professionals (PhRMA Code). Mallinckrodt's signed certification to the PhRMA code can be viewed here.

Responsible Lobbying and Political Contributions

Mallinckrodt actively participates in the U.S. political process by supporting candidates and helping shape public policy at the federal and state levels. We advocate for policies and positions that protect and expand patient access to innovative therapies, support medical innovation and a competitive marketplace, and advance principles of good corporate citizenship. Our Policy on U.S. Political Contributions and Lobbying Activities outlines our commitment to transparent, ethical and compliant engagements. We comply with all federal lobbying laws and reporting requirements, and applicable state and local disclosure laws and ethics rules. Federal lobbying expenditure reports can be viewed at

Read more about our progress in our 2023 Sustainability Report.